Olivier Giroud Wife, Who Is The Wife of French Great Olivier Giroud?

Olivier Giroud, the renowned French footballer, has had a successful career spanning many years and clubs. However, one constant through it all has been his wife of 11 years, Jennifer. Known for her privacy, Jennifer …

Olivier Giroud, the renowned French footballer, has had a successful career spanning many years and clubs. However, one constant through it all has been his wife of 11 years, Jennifer. Known for her privacy, Jennifer has stood by Giroud through numerous highs and lows, providing unwavering support. Here’s an in-depth look at Jennifer, her life with Olivier, and their journey together.

Who is Jennifer Giroud?

Jennifer Giroud, aged 38, is an American who has been married to Olivier Giroud for over a decade. Despite her husband’s fame, Jennifer has managed to maintain a low profile, choosing to stay out of the spotlight. Occasionally, she opens up on Twitter, giving fans a glimpse into her life and thoughts. However, her primary focus remains her family.

What is Jennifer Best Known For?

While Jennifer is known for her discretion, a few moments have brought her into the public eye. One such incident was in 2014, when Olivier was spotted inviting a model to his hotel room prior to a Premier League match. Jennifer chose to remain tight-lipped about the situation, displaying her characteristic grace and privacy.

Another significant moment was Jennifer’s influence on Olivier’s career decisions. She was reportedly blamed for denying Olivier a move from Arsenal to Everton, as she preferred to stay in London rather than relocate to Liverpool. Similarly, she was involved in the discussions when Giroud was considered as a makeweight in Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang’s transfer to Arsenal from Borussia Dortmund in January 2018. Despite the rumors, it was later revealed that Olivier turned down the move to Dortmund due to the imminent birth of their third child.

How Did Jennifer Influence Olivier’s Career Moves?

Jennifer’s preference for staying in London played a significant role in Olivier’s career decisions. French journalist Julien Laurens highlighted this influence on BBC Radio 5 Live, noting that Jennifer’s reluctance to move to Liverpool was a factor in Giroud turning down Everton. Similarly, her stance on relocating affected the potential move to Dortmund. These instances underscore the strong partnership between Jennifer and Olivier, where family considerations often take precedence.

Where Have the Girouds Been Seen Out Together Recently?

Olivier Giroud, now playing for AC Milan, and Jennifer have been spotted at several high-profile venues. One notable outing was at the Chiltern Firehouse in London, a favorite among celebrities and guests of the Royal Wedding. This stylish venue is known for its exclusive ambiance, making it a fitting spot for the Girouds.

What Other Destinations Have the Girouds Enjoyed?

The Giroud family enjoys traveling and has been seen on holidays in various picturesque locations. Sardinia, an Italian island known for its stunning beaches and clear waters, is one of their favorite spots. The couple has been photographed wading into the ocean and relaxing on sun loungers, mingling with other holidaymakers. These trips offer a much-needed respite from their busy lives, allowing them to enjoy quality time together.

How Many Children Do Olivier and Jennifer Have?

Olivier and Jennifer Giroud are proud parents of four children. Their first child, a daughter named Jade, was born in 2013. In 2016, they welcomed their son Evan, followed by another son, Aaron, in 2018. The couple’s youngest child, a daughter named Aria, was born in 2020. The Girouds prioritize their family life, often shielding their children from the public eye to ensure a normal upbringing.

How Do the Girouds Balance Public and Private Life?

Balancing public and private life is a challenge for many celebrity couples, but the Girouds manage it with grace. Jennifer’s preference for privacy helps maintain a sense of normalcy in their family life. Despite the occasional media attention, they focus on creating a stable and loving environment for their children.

What is the Secret to Their Long-Lasting Relationship?

The longevity of Olivier and Jennifer’s relationship can be attributed to their mutual respect, understanding, and commitment. Jennifer’s support has been instrumental in Olivier’s career, and his dedication to family life reflects their strong bond. They navigate the challenges of public scrutiny and professional demands together, always prioritizing their family’s well-being.


Olivier Giroud’s career has seen many achievements, but behind the scenes, his wife Jennifer has been a pillar of support. Her discretion, loyalty, and influence on key decisions have played a crucial role in their journey. As they continue to navigate life together, the Girouds exemplify a partnership built on love, respect, and mutual support. Their story is a testament to the strength of their bond and the importance of family in their lives.


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